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Much by way of discourse, some by way of advice; security from Clausewitz to Fancy Bear.
Signals, Jobs and Process Control
Signals, Jobs and Process Control

One very common command line activity is process control.  Linux, and other *nix operating systems come with a host of programs designed to assist with this, and when combined with features of Bash, and other Bash-like shells, the command line provides a comprehensive process control interface.  In this tutorial, we'll cover some of the basics of process control from the command line.  We'll use signals to interact with processes, and cover how to run processes in both the foreground, and background of a single terminal.

Posted by Will - February 3rd '20
How To: xargs
How To: xargs

When working with the command line it is often useful to be able to programatically create and pass arguments.  For instance, you may want to create files or folders with names from a list, or do something with each result from a program (i.e. find results).  While there is almost always more than one way to do things, xargs is a good choice, and a useful tool to have in the arsenal!

Posted by Will - January 27th '20
How To: User Signup, Email Activation and Login in MySQL and PHP
How To: User Signup, Email Activation and Login in MySQL and PHP

Many websites use a system of user verification that requires everyone who signs up to provide an email address, and then click a link sent to them to 'activate' their account.  Though simple, this is an effective way to limit bogus account creation, and provide some security for your user-based web service.  In this tutorial we'll cover how to set up such a registration process using PHP and MySQL.  It's simple!  We'll write just a little bit of HTML to create forms, and then use PHP to code for the logic of what we want to happen.  A basic understanding of PHP, HTML and MySQL is all that's needed to follow along.

Posted by Will - January 20th '20
Install Killer AX1650 Drivers and Get WiFi with only a Debian Netinstaller
Install Killer AX1650 Drivers and Get WiFi with only a Debian Netinstaller

Setting up a late model laptop with a clean install of Debian I ran into a problem.  The laptop's network card is a Killer AX1650, the drivers for which don't come pre-loarded with the Debian netinstaller.  The laptop also doesn't have an Ethernet port, and I had no way of connecting it to the internet during the installation of Debian.  Getting the internet working was something of a chore... but not impossible!

Posted by Will - December 30th '19
Using apache's htaccess to Lock a Directory
Using apache's htaccess to Lock a Directory

Apache makes it easy to quickly setup username and password authentication using htaccess.  In this tutorial, we'll cover the basics of enabling authentication for any directory that Apache is serving.  In this example, we'll create and lock a new folder.

Posted by Will - December 23rd '19


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