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Much by way of discourse, some by way of advice; security from Clausewitz to Fancy Bear.
How To: User Signup, Email Activation and Login in MySQL and PHP
How To: User Signup, Email Activation and Login in MySQL and PHP

Many websites use a system of user verification that requires everyone who signs up to provide an email address, and then click a link sent to them to 'activate' their account.  Though simple, this is an effective way to limit bogus account creation, and provide some security for your user-based web service.  In this tutorial we'll cover how to set up such a registration process using PHP and MySQL.  It's simple!  We'll write just a little bit of HTML to create forms, and then use PHP to code for the logic of what we want to happen.  A basic understanding of PHP, HTML and MySQL is all that's needed to follow along.

Posted by Will - January 20th '20


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