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Much by way of discourse, some by way of advice; security from Clausewitz to Fancy Bear.
Deep Copy in JS
Deep Copy in JS

After a brief hiatus, we're back!  Today, we'll look at how to perform a 'deep copy' of structures in JavaScript.  We'll look at a couple of different out-of-the-box solutions and then roll our own recursive solution.  This tutorial will also provide some background on the difference between copying by reference and by value in JS, and the difference between 'deep' and 'shallow' copies.

Posted by Will - July 5th '20
Creating an Encrypted Container on Linux
Creating an Encrypted Container on Linux

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to create an encrypted container on Linux.  We'll also cover how to integrate its use into your environment.  You can think of this space as a safe, which you can open, store things in or read things from, and then close again.  Additionally, some of the techniques used to do this are generally quite valuable.  Among them are the ability to create files of arbitrary sizes, and create links that allow arbitrary scripts to be run as you would any other installed program.

Posted by Will - April 4th '20
Integrating Clementine with i3status over dbus with Python
Integrating Clementine with i3status over dbus with Python

Today we'll cover how to use the dbus interprocess communication (IPC) mechanism to integrate the Clementine music player into i3status.  We'll write a small script in Python that determines Clementine's state using the dbus library, and then appends that state to the i3status bar.  This tutorial is really a corollary to the Linux Environment Setup 0x05: Integrating mpd into i3status using i3bar post we wrote a few months back, and will make use of some of the same code.  Save swapping mpd for Clementine, the final result will be nearly identical:

Posted by Will - March 2nd '20
How To: User Signup, Email Activation and Login in MySQL and PHP
How To: User Signup, Email Activation and Login in MySQL and PHP

Many websites use a system of user verification that requires everyone who signs up to provide an email address, and then click a link sent to them to 'activate' their account.  Though simple, this is an effective way to limit bogus account creation, and provide some security for your user-based web service.  In this tutorial we'll cover how to set up such a registration process using PHP and MySQL.  It's simple!  We'll write just a little bit of HTML to create forms, and then use PHP to code for the logic of what we want to happen.  A basic understanding of PHP, HTML and MySQL is all that's needed to follow along.

Posted by Will - January 20th '20
Linux Environment Setup 0x05: Integrating mpd into i3status using i3bar
Linux Environment Setup 0x05: Integrating mpd into i3status using i3bar

In this fifth installment of our ongoing Linux tutorial series, we're going to customize our i3 experience by modifying i3bar's output!  We're going to integrate our MPD music backend (the setup of which we covered here), into i3bar.  We'll make use of some freely available code, and write a little python of our own.

Posted by Will - December 16th '19


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