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*More fully fledged applications can be found on the Products page. The Bash page is dedicated to fully commented oneliners, and a MySQL quick reference is available here.

/** Will Bergen - 2020 * A simple time picker component that supports AM/PM * An example template is included at the bottom of the file - some styling * is required to achieve the apperance of a singular input. * */ let vueTimePicker = { props : { value : { type : String, default : "", } }, data() { return { hours : "", minutes: "", ampm: "", } }, mounted() { if (this.value !== "") { if (this.value.length === 4) { let temp = this.convertStringtoTime(this.value); (temp[0].length < 2 ? this.hours = "0" + temp[0] : this.hours = temp[0]); (temp[1].length < 2 ? this.minutes = "0" + temp[1] : this.minutes = temp[1]); this.ampm = temp[2]; } } }, methods : { convertStringtoTime : function(ts) { // Assumes valid time string of int parsable nums, 4 chars long var AMPM = ""; let hours = parseInt(ts[0] + ts[1]); (hours < 12 ? AMPM = "AM" : AMPM = "PM"); var h = hours % 12 || 12; return Array(h.toString(), ts[2] + ts[3], AMPM); }, convertTimeToString : function(hours, mins, AMPM) { /* From*/ if (AMPM == "PM" && hours < 12) hours = hours + 12; if (AMPM == "AM" && hours == 12) hours = hours - 12; var sHours = hours.toString(); var sMinutes = mins.toString(); if (hours < 10) sHours = "0" + sHours; if (mins < 10) sMinutes = "0" + sMinutes; return sHours+sMinutes; }, emitTime : function() { let time = this.convertTimeToString(parseInt(this.hours), parseInt(this.minutes), this.ampm) this.$emit('input', time); }, selectHours : function(arg) { this.hours =; this.emitTime(); }, selectMinutes : function(arg) { this.minutes =; this.emitTime(); }, selectAmpm : function(arg) { this.ampm =; this.emitTime(); } }, computed : { hour_opts : function() { var ct = 0; var hours = Array(); while (ct < 13) { if (ct.toString().length == 1) { const v = "0" + ct.toString(); hours.push({val : v, selected : (this.hours == v ? true : false)}); } else { const v = ct.toString(); hours.push({val : v, selected : (this.hours == v ? true : false)}); } ct++; } return hours; }, minute_opts : function() { var ct = 0; var mins = Array(); while (ct < 60) { if (ct.toString().length == 1) { const v = "0" + ct.toString(); mins.push({val : v, selected : (this.minutes == v ? true : false)}); } else { const v = ct.toString(); mins.push({val : v, selected : (this.minutes == v ? true : false)}); } ct++; } return mins; }, ampm_opts : function() { var opts = [ {val : "AM", selected : (this.ampm == "AM" ? true : false)}, {val : "PM", selected : (this.ampm == "PM" ? true : false)}, ] if (this.ampm == "") { opts[1].selected = true; } return opts; } }, template: "#time_picker_template", } // Example Template <script type="text/x-template" id="time_picker_template"> <div class="time-picker-container"> <!-- <span class="time-picker-ph">PlaceHolderText</span> --> <!-- Hours --> <select @change="selectHours" class="time-picker-select time-picker-select-hour"> <option selected disabled>HH</option> <option v-for="h in hour_opts" :value="h.val" :selected="h.selected">{{h.val}}</option> </select> : <!-- Minutes: --> <select @change="selectMinutes" class="time-picker-select time-picker-select-min"> <option selected disabled>MM</option> <option v-for="m in minute_opts" :value="m.val" :selected="m.selected">{{m.val}}</option> </select> <!-- AM/PM --> <select @change="selectAmpm" class="time-picker-select time-picker-select-ampm"> <option selected disabled>AM/PM</option> <option v-for="i in ampm_opts" :value="i.val" :selected="i.selected">{{i.val}}</option> </select> </div> </script>