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#!/usr/bin/python # Will Bergen - Simple Curses iTunes Control # - The osascript calls are expensive.. # - Volume adjustment calls are especially delicate # - import os import curses # String globals: usage = "[USAGE: p: play/pause, z: shuffle on/off, >: next, <: previous, q: exit]" usage2 = "[USAGE: arrow up/down: volume up/down, any OTHER key: update info]" unavail_msg = " No Information Available..." # Safely get title, artist, album from iTunes def track_info(): info = "info" shuff = title = artist = album = "--" p = os.popen('./get_info') while 1: line = p.readline() if not line: break info = line.rstrip() # Try Expansion: try: (title, artist, album) = info.split(",") except ValueError: if (title == "--"): title = unavail_msg if (artist == "--"): artist = unavail_msg if (album == "--"): album = unavail_msg # Remove Leading Spaces... return [title, artist[1:], album[1:]] # Safely get the iTunes player state & shuffle status: def get_status(): info = "info" shuff = state = "--" p = os.popen('./get_p_state') while 1: line = p.readline() if not line: break info = line.rstrip() # Try Expansion: try: (shuff, state) = info.split(",") except ValueError: if (shuff == "--"): shuff = unavail_msg if (state == "--"): state = unavail_msg # Remove Leading Space... return [shuff, state[1:]] # Get the system volume: def get_volume(): info = "info" p = os.popen('./get_vol') while 1: line = p.readline() if not line: break info = line.rstrip() return info # Static Text: def draw_labels(): screen.addstr(0,0, usage, curses.color_pair(RED_TEXT)) screen.addstr(1,0, usage2, curses.color_pair(RED_TEXT)) screen.addstr(2,0, "Title:", curses.color_pair(BLUE_TEXT)) screen.addstr(3,0, "Artist:", curses.color_pair(BLUE_TEXT)) screen.addstr(4,0, "Album:", curses.color_pair(BLUE_TEXT)) screen.addstr(5,0, "Shuffle:", curses.color_pair(BLUE_TEXT)) screen.addstr(6,0, "Player Status:", curses.color_pair(BLUE_TEXT)) screen.addstr(7,0, "Volume:", curses.color_pair(BLUE_TEXT)) screen.addstr(8,0, "Last Action:", curses.color_pair(BLUE_TEXT)) # Init curses, screen: screen = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.init_color(0,0,0,0) mypad = curses.newpad(40,60) mypad_pos = 0 mypad.refresh(mypad_pos, 0, 5, 5, 10, 60) curses.noecho() # don't echo the keys on the screen curses.cbreak() # don't wait enter for input curses.curs_set(0) # don't show cursor. # Colors: RED_TEXT = 1 curses.init_pair(RED_TEXT, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) GREEN_TEXT = 2 curses.init_pair(GREEN_TEXT, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) BLUE_TEXT = 3 curses.init_pair(BLUE_TEXT, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) # Main: def main(screen): last_action = "None" while True: # Clear for new draw: screen.erase() # Get and Draw Current Infos: t_info = track_info() s_info = get_status() screen.addstr(2,20, t_info[0], curses.color_pair(GREEN_TEXT)) screen.addstr(3,20, t_info[1], curses.color_pair(GREEN_TEXT)) screen.addstr(4,20, t_info[2], curses.color_pair(GREEN_TEXT)) screen.addstr(5,20, s_info[0].capitalize(), curses.color_pair(GREEN_TEXT)) screen.addstr(6,20, s_info[1].capitalize(), curses.color_pair(GREEN_TEXT)) screen.addstr(7,20, get_volume(), curses.color_pair(GREEN_TEXT)) screen.addstr(8,20, last_action.capitalize(), curses.color_pair(GREEN_TEXT)) # Draw the static text: draw_labels(); # [BLOCKING] Get an input char: c = screen.getch() ## Switch on input: # > for next: if c == ord('>'): os.popen("./next") last_action = "Next" # < for previous: elif c == ord('<'): os.popen("./prev") last_action = "Previous" # p will play/pause: elif c == ord('p'): os.popen("./tog_pp") last_action = "Play/Pause" # z will toggle shuffle: elif c == ord('z'): os.popen("./tog_shuffle") last_action = "Shuffle On/Off" # up_arrow turns volume up: elif c == curses.KEY_UP: os.popen("./vol_up -q") last_action = "Volume Up" # down_arrow turns volume down: elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: os.popen("./vol_down -q") last_action = "Volume Down" # q will exit: elif c == ord('q'): break # Update/Draw: screen.refresh() # Go: curses.wrapper(main)