*More fully fledged applications can be found on the Products page. The Bash page is dedicated to fully commented oneliners, and a MySQL quick reference is available here.
Will Bergen 2019
- Make some kind of vaguely dynamic background for some text -> png
- Code is based on pillow examples, and where marked other web sources
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw, ImageFilter, ImageColor
import random
import scipy
import numpy as np
import sys
# Colors sets derived from https://www.materialpalette.com/colors
indigos = [
light_greens = [
light_blues = [
ambers = [
reds = [
pinks = [
purples = [
deep_purples = [
blues = [
cyans = [
teals = [
greens = [
limes = [
yellows = [
oranges = [
deep_oranges = [
browns = [
greys = [
blue_greys = [
palettes = [indigos, light_greens, light_blues, ambers, reds, pinks, purples, deep_purples,
blues, cyans, teals, greens, limes, yellows, oranges, deep_oranges, browns, greys, blue_greys]
# Commandline args:
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print "Usage: ./py_art_dev <text> <mirror> <sqaure_scale>"
print " - Try a few to get size right..."
text = sys.argv[1] # Text to draw
mirror = int(sys.argv[2]) # Mirror left side on right (bool)
sqaure_scale = int(sys.argv[3]) # Size of squares to base drawing on, -eq side length
# Some fonts:
dejavu_sans_bold = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"
# Some params:
# text = "Friedrich Hayek"
height = 600
width = 1200
canvas = (width, height)
center = (width/2, height/2)
font_size = 12
font_offset = 50 # the total padding around the text
font_max_size = 300
font = ImageFont.truetype(dejavu_sans_bold, font_size) # use a truetype font, initialize for sizing
# Make a new Image:
image = Image.new('RGBA', canvas)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Determine maximum font size:
while ((draw.textsize(text, font=font)[0] <= (width-font_offset)) and (font_size <= font_max_size)):
font_size += 1;
font = ImageFont.truetype(dejavu_sans_bold, font_size) # re-init font w/ incremented size
# print font_size
print "Using a font size of %i" % font_size
t_w, t_h = draw.textsize(text, font=font)
font_center = ((width-t_w)/2, (height - t_h)/2)
# Get the pixels:
pixels = image.load()
# sqaure_scale = 100
mini_scale = 20
# Choose a two random color schemes to use:
palette1 = random.choice(palettes)
palette2 = random.choice(palettes)
# Random element pools:
rand_mod = [-1, 1]
angles = [0,90,180,270]
# mirror = True
r_width = width
if mirror:
r_width = width/2
# Draw some squares with deco littler squares & slices...
for i in range(0,r_width,sqaure_scale):
for j in range(0,height,sqaure_scale):
c1 = random.choice(palette1[4:])
draw.rectangle([(i, j), (i+sqaure_scale, j+sqaure_scale)], c1)
for k in range(1,sqaure_scale, sqaure_scale/10):
c2 = random.choice(palette2[4:])
mod1 = random.choice(rand_mod)
mod2 = random.choice(rand_mod)
mod3 = random.choice(rand_mod)
a1 = random.choice(angles)
draw.pieslice([(i,j), (i+sqaure_scale+(mod1*k), j+sqaure_scale+(mod1*k))], a1, (a1+90 % 360), c2)
draw.rectangle([(i+sqaure_scale/2+(mod1*k), j+sqaure_scale/2+(mod2*k)), (i+sqaure_scale/2+(mod3*k)-mini_scale, j)], c2)
# Mirror the above:
if mirror:
for i in range(0, width/2):
for j in range(0,height):
pixels[i+width/2,j] = pixels[width/2-i,j]
# Stroke the text by drawing it offeset in all directions:
shadowcolor = "black"
stroke_size = 6
draw.text((font_center[0]-stroke_size, font_center[1]-stroke_size), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
draw.text((font_center[0]+stroke_size, font_center[1]-stroke_size), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
draw.text((font_center[0]-stroke_size, font_center[1]+stroke_size), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
draw.text((font_center[0]+stroke_size, font_center[1]+stroke_size), text, font=font, fill=shadowcolor)
draw.text(font_center, text, font=font)
# Resize to antialias:
image = image.resize((width/2, height/2), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# Save the image:
fn = "%s_image.png" % text.replace(" ", "_")