*Most of these are works in progress
Computer & Network Security Notes
Web Security:
Basic Model: Browser <-HTTP-> Server
Complicated (modern) Model includes the addition of firewalls, Proxies (caching/non-caching), tunnels, Gateways, diverse client/server side languages
Vulnerability Analysis:
- Protocol: Authing
- Infrastructure: Response Splitting
- Server-side: session/cookie handling, XSS, SQLInjection
- Client-side: Browsers, general client-side security
HTTP Request:
- Header, METHOD + Resource + Protocol Version
- Body (optional), considered a byte stream
- Fields separated by CRLF
- Methods:
- GET: request a resource by URL
- HEAD: request only metadata
- POST: request processing of included data at URL
- OPTIONS: Request information about communication options
* URL = Server Options
- PUT: Store included data at URL
- Absolute URI: http://www.example.com/some/thing
- Absolute PATH: /index.html
Host Field (in HTTP1.1) specifies which server at IP.
HTTP Response:
- Header w/ protocol, status code, diagnostic text
- Body is byte stream
- Header Fields:
- General: Date, pragma, Cache-Control
- Request: Accept, Host, Authorization, From, User-Agent
- Response: Location, Server
- Entity: Allow, Content-Encoding, Content-Length, C-Type, etc.
URI Syntax: <scheme>://<authority><path>?<query>
Basic HTTP Auth:
- Challenge/Response:
- Challenge and shcema (type) return w/ 401 (unauthorized)
- Auth request a Realm (a set of resources)
- Client supplies auth header w/ creds
- 401 includes www-Authenticate: realm="my_realm"
- HTTP1.1 Auth:
- Server also sends nonce as challenge
- Client sends digest of nonce, user, pass HTTP method, and requested URL
HTTP is stateless!
How then do we maintain state?
- URL embedded information
- Hidden Fields (in the html for instance)
- Cookies:
- Server stores on client
- Set with "Set-Cookie" header
- Further cookie use done in "Cookies" header
- Only accessible by site that set the cookie
- Cookie components:
- name=val: required key/val pair
- secure: cookie can only be sent over secure connections
- http-only: cookie not accessible by client-side scripts
- Sessions:
- Time limited user-server interactions
- NOT an HTTP-level concept (implemented at web-app level)
- This can be supplemented, implemented with cookies, in URLs, and via hidden forms
CGI (Common-Gateway Interface):
- Used to invoke programs on server
- Output returned to client
- Input from URL/URL body (GET/POST)
- Input is piped to CGIs stdin
- Parameters passed as Environment variables
- Parameters include: QUERY_STRING, SERVER_PROTOCOL, etc.
ASP (Active-Server Page) - MSs CGI:
- Contains text, html, script (VB or JS), Server-Side includes
Servlet: Java program executed on server, similar to CGI
Java-Server Page: HTML mixed w/ java
PHP ("PHP Hypertext Processor"):
- Executed on server when page is requested
WebApp Frameworks (Ruby on Rails, Pylon, etc.):
- Rapid Web app dev/deployment
- Often based on MVC
Java Applet:
- Downloaded onto client, run in Browser context
- Resource access limited by Java Security Manager
ActiveX Controls:
- Binary
- Downloaded/Executed in Browser context
- Windows Browsers only
Native Client (NaCl):
- Maybe C/C++
- Runs in sandbox (one inner, one outer)
- Inner sandbox:
- Require: Reliable disassembly, valid jumps, use of segmentation
- Code Validator (<600 C statements)
- Validator guarantees that given instruction S, can only call in S.
- NPAPI (Netscape standard) (Interprocess communication, or IPC)
- Provided with "safe" subset of POSIX calls
- Internet access through JS
Client-Side Scripting:
- Javascript, JScript, VBScript
- Window:
- DOM (Document Object Model): Allows script to alter content
- BOM (Browser Object Model): Allows script to modify Browser properties
Javascript is Sanboxed, so:
- No file access
- No network resource access
- No window under 100x100px (?: ref/detail)
- No browser history (directly: link-color harvesting for instance could be used to gather history data)
Javascript policies:
- Same Origin: JS can only access resources with the same origin (google.com)
- Origin: URI Scheme (protocol), hostname, port#
AJAX: Asynchronous Javascript and XML
- Modify page based on result of request w/o user interaction
- JS DOM manipulation & XML-HTTP request object
XML-HTTP Request: Allow JS to retrieve XML data